Sometimes the damage to a tooth surpasses what a dental filling can repair, so your dentist will then recommend a dental crown to protect, cover, and restore the function and shape of the tooth. While getting a crown might sound uncomfortable, it is a common, frequent, and safe procedure that will make the weakened tooth stronger, last longer, and return your smile to its healthy appearance.
A Couple of Reasons Why You Might Need a Dental Crown
After an examination, your dentist might recommend a dental crown for a few varied reasons:
* To cover a tooth currently restored with a dental filling.
* To protect a damaged or decayed tooth.
* To support and stabilize a dental bridge.
* To protect a tooth that has undergone a root canal.
* To cover a discolored or misshapen tooth.
* To complete a new dental implant restoration.
The Procedure for a Dental Crown Application
The most common dental crown procedure usually takes two appointments. You might be concerned if there is any pain or discomfort with the procedure. While you might experience some sensitivity, your dentist most likely will administer a local anesthetic, much like having a dental filling placed.
At the first appointment your dentist will examine the tooth and prepare it for the crown. They capture X-rays of the tooth and the surrounding supporting bone and then file down the enamel on the tooth. The amount of tooth reduction depends on the type of crown you are receiving. Metal crowns need less of the tooth removed versus porcelain crowns. In some cases, you might benefit from a root canal if there is a risk of any infection or tooth decay.
After the tooth has been reduced in size and prepped, the dentist will make an impression of the tooth. They will also take an impression of the surrounding teeth, so the crown will fit correctly with your bite alignment. This impression is sent to a dental lab to custom fabricate the crown, which usually takes a few weeks. Your dentist will place a temporary crown to protect the tooth until you return.
At the second appointment it is time complete the restoration and get your permanent crown placed. Your dentist will remove the temporary crown. Then they will exam the fit, color, and shape of your new crown, and then finish by permanently cementing it in place. A local anesthetic may again be used for your comfortable.
Proper Care for Your Dental Crown
After your dental crown is placed and it feels comfortable, the best care method is to continue to exercise good daily oral care and treat your new crown as you would properly treat any other tooth. The natural tooth under the crown still needs protection from any gum disease. Brush twice a day, every day, with a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, and floss your teeth daily, making sure to include the area between your crown and surrounding teeth. Crowns are a dental restoration and not a natural tooth, so they are still susceptible to cracking, chipping, and wear. Avoid biting hard objects to prevent any cracking or chipping of your new dental crown.