Dental crowns are frequently used to restore a tooth, even if the tooth has suffered severe damage. The dental crown serves to protect and cover the tooth. The treatment is considered a method to preserve your natural tooth. Is a dental crown considered a long-term or short-term solution to fixing your tooth? Is a dental crown designed to protect your tooth for only a few years, or can it last longer?
The Life Expectancy of a Dental Crown
As a relative example, think of any retail purchase. How long will it last? Varying factors will determine the life expectancy. Two significant contributors are the quality of the item the amount of time it will be used.
It is much the same with a dental crown. You can certainly consider similar factors when estimating the life expectancy of your new dental crown, but it is impossible to absolutely know for certain. Your dentist will highlight factors that can influence its expected lifetime.
Most dental crowns have an average life expectancy of 10 to 30 years. That is a large span, but every single crown and every single patient is different. Some crowns may last a lifetime, while another could crack or chip sooner. Your dentist might estimate one crown to last 15 years, and then estimate another to last about 20. It is an educated estimate and not a promise but will help you to make the right choice for yourself.
Dental insurance will usually cover a dental crown replacement after 5 to 8 years. There is an exceptionally good chance your crown will last longer, so financially speaking dental crowns continue to be a practical choice.
Factors that Affect the Life Expectancy of your Dental Crown
Assuming your dental crown is properly made and fits well, there are still unique factors that will determine how long your dental crown will last:
* Crown materials- The materials chosen to make your dental crown all vary in both appearance and durability. A porcelain crown will look the most like your natural teeth, but it will not be as durable as any dental alloys. Dental alloys, on the other hand, will not match the appearance of your natural teeth as well as porcelain. Discuss with your dentist which material might be best for you and your lifestyle.
* Your Dental hygiene- If you do not continue to brush your teeth twice a day as recommended, your crown will not last as long. The natural tooth under the crown can still decay if not cared for properly.
* Bad habits- If you consistently bite on hard items like ice cubes, or if you chew lollipops or suckers instead of licking them, your dental crown will break sooner than necessary. Habits like grinding and clenching your teeth can have the same effect. If you do grind your teeth while you sleep, it will be wise to get a protective mouth guard for sleeping. This will prevent damage to your new dental crown as well as your natural teeth.
A dental crown on a tooth is still one of your best options to restore it. Dental crowns are versatile and continue to be used frequently for multiple reasons to protect and preserve a natural tooth.