Patients often experience dental emergencies when they are least expected. Whether it is while playing sports, eating a hard piece of bread, or just a sheer accident. Dental emergencies can leave patients unexpectedly at a loss for what to do.
Each type of emergency is different and unique. In some cases, such as a minor chip on the tooth, treatment can be completed in a single visit. While other types of issues such as pain from gum disease may need a more advanced type of treatment. Regardless of the situation, it is important to seek treatment right away and resolve any issues. When an issue remains untreated for an extended period of time, it can result in long-term damage or escalate to something worse. The following are some of the most common types of dental emergencies:
1. Bonding: In many cases, a chipped or cracked tooth can be repaired with the use of bonding. Sometimes bonding is considered to be a temporary, however, it can also be used as a permanent solution.
2. Medication: When there is infection present in a tooth, it can cause terrible pain. Often times, a root canal is needed to resolve the problem. Unfortunately, it may not be possible to perform the root canal right away. Prescription pain medication or antibiotics can often be used to provide temporary relief while the patient waits for the long-term solution.
3. Tooth Extraction: Most patients work diligently to maintain their natural teeth, however, this is sometimes not an option and the tooth must be removed. While it is unfortunate, extracting the tooth is sometimes the only option. Following the extraction, there are various options such as a bridge, denture, or implant which can be used to replace the missing tooth. The following signs suggest that an emergency tooth extraction will be necessary:
1. There is intense and persistent tooth pain present. Pain in the mouth is a warning that there is an issue. If at-home treatments like an over-the-counter pain reliever or ice compress does not relieve the pain, contact the dentist right away.
2. Painful swelling is present, which does not improve with time. If the tooth has swelling near the jaw, it can indicate infection in the tooth or gum. Swelling should never be ignored as it can spread to other areas of the body. In cases of infected teeth, an extraction may be required.
3. The tooth is severely damaged. In cases of minor chips or cracks, bonding can often be used to repair the tooth. If there is severe damage, including a large break or fracture which causes significant pain, an emergency tooth extraction may be needed.
The following simple first aid can be performed to minimize pain and avoid additional damage to the tooth:
* Bleeding: Place gentle pressure on the area with a sterile gauze. In cases of severe or uncontrollable bleeding, go to the emergency room for treatment.
* Missing restoration: A denture adhesive or sugar-free gum can be used to temporarily secure crowns or bridges in place.
* Pain: Over-the-counter pain relievers can be taken to manage discomfort. Be sure to follow the dosage guidelines provided by the manufacturer.
* Swelling: Place a cold compress on the affected area and gargle with a saltwater rinse.
* Knocked out tooth: Be careful and gently rinse the mouth and tooth. Place the tooth in milk or back into the socket.
Emergencies do happen and can often be treated. Be sure to follow up with the dentist right away to schedule an appointment and discuss your options. Prompt treatment is often critical in preserving the teeth and avoiding further damage.